We're launching with three communities:

Startup CTOs


  • Venture backed startup, raised at least $10m

  • 10+ FTEs in product/engineering

  • Most senior engineering leader(s)

  • Typically CTO, VPE and/or Head of Engineering


Perhaps the hardest time for a startup CTO is the 12-24 months after raising a series A (or a very large seed).

As a seed stage CTO, you’re usually writing code daily, running a small team and trying to find product/market fit. Once you raise an A, you need to scale the impact of your team quickly, while simultaneously building out all the systems required to manage and align a larger organization.

Common questions include:

  • How can you create a fair, predictive and efficient hiring loop that doesn’t require you to personally pair with every potential candidate?

  • What’s the right size for your platform team, and what functionality should you buy vs build in house?

  • How can you identify and manage the performance of your team as it scales?

If you’d like access to a supportive, experienced community focused on challenges like there, apply to join us!

CTOs at Scale


  • 80-100+ FTEs in product/engineering

  • Most senior engineering leader

  • Typically CTO


It’s lonely at the top. There really isn’t a playbook for being a CTO, but it can also be hard to admit that you don’t have all the answers. Business stakeholders often don’t understand the challenges you’re facing and your team expects you to lead them confidently.

One of the hardest jobs is aligning, influencing and directing an org of ~100+ engineers. You’ve probably got most of your systems in place, but now you’re committed to an architecture, an org structure and an operational cadence that can easily become a liability as business realities change, and getting thoughtful advice from your peers running similarly sized organizations can be a challenge.  

Other Engineering Leaders


Whether you’re a seed (or pre-seed) CTO, a CISO, a Chief Data Officer, A Director or VP of Software, Platform, Security, Data, DevOps or SRE or a Staff or Principal Engineer or Architect, if you’re technical and either managing or influencing an engineering org, we’d love to invite you to join the definitive global learning community for senior engineering leaders.